5 tips to train your dog

Education forms people… and also pets. Good training makes the difference between a headache or a beautiful relationship with both you and your kind. Learn about more dog care and build a long and loving relationship with your dog.

Below we offer you 5 tips to train your tenderloin ─regardless of the breed─ in an affectionate, easy and effective way. These are dog care that every dog lover should know, pay close attention!

Verbal conditioning scold-congratulate

Puppies are so intelligent, empathetic and understanding that they only need to speak in human language. When they are young they tend to do mischief ─like nibbling shoes─ precisely because they still do not understand limits well. When they do something that is antisocial, scold them firmly but without going overboard or physically violent. On the contrary, if they behave as you think is okay, praise them verbally. You will be surprised how knowledgeable they can be.

Set clear rules

From the first day of living together, establish rules, limits and agreements that are easy for him or her to understand. For example, if you don’t want him to enter a room, put a barrier in it. The important thing is that these same guidelines that you set are stable and constant ─do not change the way you train as you go─ so that the puppy himself does not get confused.


Reward/scold him with short phrases

When living with him, he uses simple, direct and understandable language formulas. Quiet, no, good dog, come, here, lie down, out. If the other members of the family where this dog is educated also apply them, their training, education or conditioning will be more effective.

Accompany him to do his needs

Ideally, they should poop outside the house, but since this is not always possible, the newspaper, in addition to being informative, serves to train our dogs to relieve themselves in a certain place. After the meal, take him to that place with newspaper sheets, wait for his body to do its job and then give him a prize, reward or gift for having done it in the right place.

Take him out to socialize and give him treats

The pedagogy of the award is and has been one of the best dog care since deep in the caves man trained the first domestic dog in history. Don’t delay giving gifts, be they food, toys, or treats, if your loins behaved with you or with other loins as you expected them to.



Writing (S/F) “Good practices and tips for dog training”. Purina.


Writing (s/f). “10 tips to train puppies”. mapfre.


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